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Overview Logo of the electric department, WB, India. WBSEDCL.IN   is the official website of the department of electricity in the Indian state of West Bengal, in India. It is responsible for the distribution of electricity and collection of bills from some parts of rural Assam as well. History The current headquarter of WBSEDCL, called Vidyut Bhavan in Kolkata, India. The website was created in the year 2007 in an effort to payment of electric bills seamless. The service is available to the people of the state of West Bengal only.  The customer is given a unique cunsumer ID, which can be used to pay the bills on their official website or using any payment solution that supports the payment. Wayback machine ( has recorded the website to first exist on April 20, 2007. Gallery
Video Grid – More Responsive (iframe) Resize your window to see the videos resize automatically. Pine Siskin Summary: Learn about the Pine Siskin, nature’s smallest and most social finch. You may see them arrive at your backyard bird feeders in droves in the early spring. The African Bullfrog Summary: Bullfrogs may sound like mooing cows, but they’re actually much smaller. Lifecycle of Salmon Summary: From freshwater to the sea and back again. The king salmon is nature's biggest, but smallest, traveler. River Otters Summary: Playful and slippery, these otters know how to have fun. They also have sharp teeth. Content that follows. . .

Overview is a file host which can mostly host images, videos, text documents, pdfs mainly in various formats. History Although it is not known for sure when this file host was opened publicly, but it was first time archived by  on May 16, 2015. Currently the site has been archived more than 900 times.  Gallery Catbox as it appeared in June, 2022

Why chairs have four legs ?

Commonly in our day to day life we see many chairs, tables, cupboards etc. All of them have one thing in common, they stand on four legs. Why do most of the time they have four legs and not three or five, six or may be more ?  What is so special about four legs ? Is there any science behind it or is it just some age old custom that has not changed in years ? Let's find out!  WHY CHAIRS DO NOT HAVE THREE LEGS INSTEAD ?  Let's at first see why chirs and most table have four legs and not three. Well, this has a very proper reasoning and that is Centre of gravity! Yes and besides that aesthetic appeal also plays a very vital role (somewhat).   1. Aesthetic appeal - Humans are known very well for their likeliness for symmetrical objects and this tendency to judge based on symmetry is not only limited to chairs or tables but also fellow humans. You often see that beauty pageants who succeeded in gaining the first position most if not every time have symmetrical face, almost perfect
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