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Biological Classification

History History of biological classification is as old as human culture. Human beings started giving names to the animals and plants and classified them on the basis of their use Our Vedic literature (2500 BC to 650 BC) recorded about 740 plants and 250 animals. The first attempt of classification is observed in Chandyoga Upanishad, which classified animals into three categories (1) Jivaja (viviparous), eg. mammals (2) Andaja (oviparous), eg, birds, reptiles, insects and worms (3) Udbhija (vegetable origin), eg, minute animals In Post-Vedic Indian literature, such as Susruta Samhita, all living forms are classified into 5thavara (immobile). Le, plants and Jangama (mobile), eg., animals. Plants were further divided into Vanaspati (fruit yielding, nonflowering plants), Vriksa (fruit yielding, flowering plants) and Osadhi (plants provide medicine). Susruta Samhita also classified animals into Kulacara (herbivores that frequently visit river banks, eg. Elephant, Buffalo, etc., Matsya (fish

Jallianwala Bagh Massacre (incident)

 Overview An artist's depiction of the massacre, no true images were captured of the incident by camera [citation needed] On April 13, 1919 British troops under the command of then General Dyer fired on hundreds of unarmed Indians who had gathered for an event in Jallianwala Bagh in Amritsar, Punjab, India. [1] The incident was a major cause for increased anti-British sentiment in later half of the British Raj in India and inspired freedom fighters like Bhagat Singh to take up arms. [2] Backstory Reginald Edward Harry Dyer, the then British General who ordered the massacre. People from nearby towns and villages had gathered for the peaceful celebration of Baisakhi festival in a open ground surrounded on all sides by high walls except two openings. [3] Anti-protest repressions by the British govt. were at an all time high due to the increased number of protests all across India by new modern freedom fighters. Reginald Edward Harry Dyer, the then General in-charge of the area was

World War II - Analysis

First World War - Explained Introduction Europe in 1914   In 1914, a war began in Europe which soon engulfed almost the entire world with the battles fought in Europe, Asia, Africa and the Pacific. This war was different from the wars fought earlier in terms of its scale and it's repercussions. It was fought on a worldwide scale and affected almost all countries in the world. During this war new methods of defence and destruction were used. Moreover, in the earlier wars the civilian population was generally not involved. But this war was fought by the people as a whole. Thus, the war marked the turning point in the history of the world. Because of the unprecedented extent of its spread, impact and damage an it's total nature, it is known as the first world war. French people protesting for public demand regarding boost I'm economy and power of nation, a clear sign of aggressive nationalism which was one of the causes of WW1 CAUSES OF THE FIRST WORLD WAR 1. Nationalism and