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About Site Brain: 

Our Aim - Archiving Internet for Good

The internet is vast ocean of information, a ocean of knowledge which many take for granted.

However, this vast directory of invaluable knowledge is changing rapidly, as many sources go unnoticed everyday. Many documents, pictures, videos and webpages are taken down daily.

Organizations such as Internet Archive document millions of pages every day for what they call "trusted citation in the future".

Site Brain collects these important data from similar sites and with it's very powerful crawler collects site's that go missing soon, in an indexed manner. 

Moreover we have a collection of a variety of documents on various topics in the form of blogs that you may like to read ! 

We also have a collection of various documents, pictures, audio and videos of historical significance.

Want to contribute to Site Brain ? Contact us at morninglight2006@gmail com

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E Mandate

 What is e - mandate ? E mandate is a system of payment in banking that makes paying recurring bills of fixed or varying amounts seamless.   History and significance of e mandate Yes, the term e mandate may be quite confusing to many and probably you too. So let us understand it's origin and why a system like this is even needed. RBI (Reserved Bank of India) introduced e mandate of in India in 2018. It's main objective was to make payment of recurring bills paperless and fast.  Any corporate industry using e mandate must abide by the e mandate policy of RBI defined in their preamble. So why is e mandate needed ?  Ok so, suppose you wish to purchase a product or service and because the pricing is very high, you likely won't be able to pay it at once. So most likely you would opt for EMI (Equal Monthly Installment) which is natural. What e mandate does is basically it makes payment of EMI very easy and paperless. In earlier times, the process of availing and