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William Shakespeare


An artist's depiction of young Shakespeare. He was also called as 'Bard of Avon'
William Shakespeare, famously known as the 'Bard of Avon' is one of the most successful playwrights Britain has ever produced. His plays are still very famous and are rather works of art that time cannot erase. He was, as we know from his biographies, aslo multi-talented.

Early Life

William Shakespeare the greatest poet and playwright o England, was born in 1564 at Stratford-on-avon, Warwickshire in England.

 According to Parish records, he was baptized in Holy Trinity Church on 26th of April, 1964.

The village Stratford-on-avon was the centre of the most beautiful and romantic district in rural England. Here, Shakespeare learned to know the natural man in rural environment. His father, Jhon Shakespeare was a well-to-do trades man who dealt in farm products like corn, wheat, wool, leather and other agricultural products. His mother, Mary Arden was the daughter of a prosperous farmer, descended from the family of mixed Anglo-Saxon and Norman blood.

Scholars have failed to document his early life years. Probably Shakespeare attended the Grammar School at Stratford where he got instructions in logic, ' small Latin and less Greek '. It was here that he came in contact with latin authors, Virgil, Ovid, Horace and Seneca. When Shakespeare was only fourteen his father lost his property and fell into debt. In order to support the family, Shakespeare left school. What he did after leaving the schools and how he supported his family financially thereafter is not exactly known.

Later Life

Shakespeare in his early 30s.
In 1852, Shakespeare was married to Anne Hathaway who was the eight years his senior. Many critics believe that the led, on the whole, an unhappy life, but it seems to be presumptuous. Three children were born to the couple. Of the three the son died when he was only twelve. The two daughters survived their father.

The most important event in Shakespeare's life was his leaving Stratford in 1585. After spending some time as a school master in a neighbouring village, he arrived in London in 1586. He started his carrier in modest jobs at one of the two theaters existing in the town. But before long, he became a member of a well-known company of players and remained attached to it for the rest of his career. Some reports say that he remained connected with two play houses, ' The Blackfriars' and ' The Globe ' until almost the end of his dramatic career.

Works of Shakespeare

Shakespeare wrote 37 plays which are divided into three main categories namely, comedies, tragedies and historical plays. In addition to these plays he has written some narrative poems such as 'Venus and Adonis' and ' Lucrece '. His great contribution to English poetry is a series of singers numbering 154. Some of his sonnets are addressed to a young man, his friend and patron, the Earl of Southampton, and some others to an unknown dark lady.

Shakespeare's literary career extend over some 24 years, beginning from 1588 to 1612 and therefore we may say that 12 years of our belonged to the 16th century and the other 12 years to the 17th century. Shakespeare's critics have divided these 24 years into for periods. He has written 37 plays which has been grouped in for periods.

  • First Period (1588 - 1593)
This is the proof of early experimentation. Shakespeare's apprenticeship begins with the revision of old plays such as the parts of Henry VI and ' Titus Andronicus '. To this period belong his first comedies in which the influence of Lyly is pronounced.


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