Stroke (CVA) Skip to main content

Stroke (CVA)


Stroke is a medical condition in which a single or multiple of the blood vessels supplying oxygen rich blood to the brain gets blocked. This renders some part of the brain unfunctional for a period of time which may in rare instances lead to brain-death, in which tissues of the brain suffer irreparable damage. Stroke is also called CVA, cerebrovascular accident.


Hippocrates, famously known as the "Father of Medicine" , first recognised stroke more than 2,400 years ago. He called the condition apoplexy, which is a Greek term that stands for “struck down by violence”. Jacob Wepfer, a Swiss pathologist, discovered in the early 1600s that the blood supply was disrupted in the brains of those people who died from apoplexy. He soon came to the conclusion that deaths in most such cases was due to massive bleeding inside the brain. This was one of most significant findings that would lead modern medicine to find the treatment to such disorder.


Initial symptoms of stroke may include Sudden numbness or weakness in the face, arm, or leg, especially on one side of the body. Sudden confusion, trouble speaking, or difficulty understanding speech. In case of no treatment in early symptoms, more serious ones might appear like Sudden trouble seeing in one or both eyes. Sudden trouble walking, dizziness, loss of balance, or lack of coordination.


Early treatment with medication like tPA (clot buster) can minimise brain damage. However, doctor must immediately be contacted, a stroke is not a disorder that can simply be cured with medicine. Generally, a surgery is required to open the clot in the affected blood vessels.


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