Ribosomes (Cell organelle) Skip to main content

Ribosomes (Cell organelle)


A diagram showing ribosome in an animal cell
Ribosomes are non-membrane bound organelles found in all cells (both eukaryotic and prokaryotic cells). Within the cell, ribosomes are not only found in the cytoplasm but also within the two organelles - chloroplasts (in plants) and mitochondria and on rough ER. 

Ribosomes are the site of protein synthesis. Cutlass ribosomes synthesise proteins which remain within the cell but robotics on the Obama membrane make proteins that are transported out.


Ribosomes are composed of ribosomal RNA (rRNA) and protein. Prokaryotic cells have three types of rRNA: 16S rRNA, 23S rRNA, and 5S rRNA. Like transfer RNA (tRNA), rRNAs use intrastrand H-bonding between complementary nucleotide bases to form complex folded structures. Ribosomes are composed of two subunits with densities of 50S and 30S ("S" refers to a unit of density called the Svedberg unit). The 30S subunit contains 16S rRNA and 21 proteins; the 50S subunit contains 5S and 23S rRNA and 31 proteins.The two subunits combine during protein synthesis to form a complete 70S ribosome about 25nm in diameter. A typical bacterium may have as many as 15,000 ribosomes.


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