Myocardial Infraction (Heart Attack) Skip to main content

Myocardial Infraction (Heart Attack)


Myocardial Infraction, also commonly called as heart attack, is a medical condition where the coronary arteries gets blocked due to formation of plague. This usually results in the death of the heart tissues of the affected areas. The condition is usually treatable but in times may lead to death if not given proper medical attention.


The American College of Cardiology reports that the earliest documented case of coronary atherosclerosis – a build-up of plaque in the arteries that can cause a heart attack – was in an Egyptian princess who lived between 1580 and 1550 B.C. The study also found that heart diseases were more common in ancient times than previously speculated.


Symptoms include tightness or pain in the chest, neck, back or arms, as well as fatigue, lightheadedness, abnormal heartbeat and anxiety. Women are more likely to have atypical symptoms than men. Heart attack is generally gradual and if not given medical attention may cause serious irreparable damage to the heart tissue and eventually be fatal.


Treatment for heart attack ranges from lifestyle changes and cardiac rehabilitation to medication, stents and bypass surgery, depending on it's severity. Medication is sufficient if proper medical attention is given to the initial symptoms, however, a open-heart or closed-heart surgery is usually required when the arteries gets totally blocked.


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