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Showing posts from July, 2022

Tinkathia System

  The Tinkathia system was the tactic employed by the British East India company which forced Indian peasants to grow Indigo crops in 3/20 Kathas of the land they possessed.

Hindu Rituals after Death

 Hinduism is the world's oldest religion and as such it has also been a which has documented uncountable rituals over the years. Oven time various rituals were added to the religious text books and now it is the only religion which commemorates both birth and death with multiple rituals. Every rules for clarity about any ritual is well documented in various books however many rituals are lost due to lack of viability to follow them, especially in today's modern cities and towns. This is a detailed account of first person witness of Hindu rituals after death. ( The writers followed a Hindu family in rural India where every ritual in still followed strictly. The family had recently lost one of its elser member due to natural causes. Our team followed every ritual, however we failed to document some of them for the team was not allowed at some places for either privacy or some other undisclosed reason ). Faith in Afterlife Just like many other major religions in the world, Hinduis